Monday, November 22, 2010


My heart is broken with sadness and grief ...where are you Sheba? know its always the not knowing, the horrible imaginings...that are so hard to push out of my mind. I've been here before, with animal and with human...I love so hard it really doesnt matter which. My hands are raised in angst than to praise...and I am thankful, this Thanksgiving, thankful for out short time together and the priveledge of loving you and to know this pain will come around I long as I say yes to love,... It is my calling and I am crucified again, yet I choose Love♥

1 comment:

Mrs.P said...

time is allowing the wound to scab over and I am humbled by the truth that Ive learned...Sheba was hurting Miss Kitty...I knew she was stalking her, but I didnt think they were actually fighting...Miss kitty had real scabs all over, bite marks...theyre healing too and she is a new cat. God does know best...and has a big picture with our best interest in we can only see in part...its in the fragments, where we flounder,Lord help me trust You.